Worship > Ways to Serve
There are many opportunities to serve in worship at Transfiguration. Read the list below and contact Fr. Casey Shobe at cshobe@transfiguration.net if you’d like to volunteer for a specific role.
Those who assist the clergy at the altar. Both adults and children ages 8-17 are invited to be trained for this ministry.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is responsible for preparing for all liturgical services of the church.
Eucharistic Ministers
Persons licensed by the bishop to administer the chalice at parish Eucharists.
Adults and youth, who read the scripture lessons and Prayers of the People at Sunday Eucharist.
Ministers of Ceremony
Also known as emcee, these are adults who assist the clergy at the altar during each service
Sound Technicians
Adults who assist with the sound system and recording of the sermons for each service.
Ushers have the unique assignment of assisting and serving all those in attendance at each service so that the liturgy may be celebrated without distraction or interruption. Members are organized into teams to serve the Sunday morning services.
Welcoming Ministers
Members who greet all worshippers as they arrive at church.
Flower Guild
Members arrange flowers for weekly services as an offering to God. They also decorate for holidays, special events, weddings, and funerals.