Life Happens: Preparing Our Youth
An enormous, stuffed-to-the-max backpack drops to the floor with a “thunk” as a sixth-grade boy shuffles into the Youth
An enormous, stuffed-to-the-max backpack drops to the floor with a “thunk” as a sixth-grade boy shuffles into the Youth
Jesus is on the side of the poor, abused, and oppressed. It will not win, because just as he was in all the strange dark days of history, Jesus is on the side of justice and peace. So, as his followers, let’s be sure we’re on his side, the side with the great cloud of witnesses, the side of the Kingdom of God.
You're invited to support Transfiguration's youth as they prepare to travel and serve this summer.
Adults and children conclude formation for the year this morning. There is no youth formation; it concluded last Sunday. Our Advent track
Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost
Join Michael and Cherrie Merriman to watch some of their favorite movies on Friday nights this summer at 6:30 p.m. in the