April 9 – Casey Shobe Sermon The Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday http://www.transfiguration.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/2017_04_09_Casey_Shobe_Sermon.mp3 transfig2022-08-04T13:12:56-05:00April 9th, 2017|Categories: Sermons|Tags: All Glory Laud and Honor, Casey Sermons, casey shobe, Entrance into Jerusalem, For yours is the kingdom, Hosanna, kingdom power glory, Lent, Lord's Prayer, now and forever, Palm Procession, Palm Sunday, passion narrative, Passion Sunday, Rector, Redeemer, sermon, St. Matthew, St. Matthew’s Passion, Sunday Mornings, Sunday of the Passion, Transfiguration Sermons| Read More