A Year in Review
By Mother Rebecca Tankersley Grace to you and peace from God, our Father, and the Lord, Jesus Christ!
By Mother Rebecca Tankersley Grace to you and peace from God, our Father, and the Lord, Jesus Christ!
As you quickly learn, wondering is hard work. As children, our deep, intuitive sense of right and wrong leads to those obvious conclusions about good guys and bad guys. As adults, it is also difficult because we don’t come into stories with childlike innocence; we come to them with too much knowledge of the world and its terrors, its heartache and pain.
The Way: Proclaiming by Word and Example - Week 17
From the Rector The gospel lesson appointed by the lectionary for this weekend, coinciding with the second of our four-week stewardship campaign,
The Gospel of the Kingdom - Week 5
The Gospel of the Kingdom - Week 4