March 2 – Common Ground Workshop: Medicine Matters Breakout Common Ground: Medicine Matters Breakout transfig2022-08-04T13:06:11-05:00March 4th, 2019|Categories: Formation Classes, Guest Lectures|Tags: 2nd Half, adult formation, Aging, aging workshop, annual fast, assisted living, cancer, Common Ground, doctors, Dr. Steven Bray, Facing Aging Together, fast, health, healthcare, Hospice, iParentX, medical matters, medicine, medicine matters, memory care, metabolic health, metabolism, prolonged fast, workshop| Read More
Checking In As we move further into Lent this weekend, I want to check in with you about how it’s going. How are you transfig2022-08-04T13:13:40-05:00March 10th, 2017|Categories: From the Rector|Tags: Ash Wednesday, Casey, fast, Forward Movement, indulgence, Lent, Lenten Fast, Lenten observance, Lord's Prayer, Observance, preaching, Sermons| Read More