April 30 – Erin Jean Warde Sermon Third Sunday of Easter http://www.transfiguration.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/2017_04_30_Erin_Warde_Sermon.mp3 transfig2022-08-04T13:12:32-05:00April 30th, 2017|Categories: Sermons|Tags: 1 Peter, Acts, Cleopas, earth day, Earth Day Celebration, easter, Eastertide, Emmaus, Erin Jean Warde, Erin Warde, fragile earth, island home, Jesus, Jesus of Nazareth, Messiah, Resurrection, sermon, Simon, Stay with us, suffer, Third Sunday of Easter, Transfiguration Sermons| Read More
Earth Day 2017 There is a trend in our society to promote or defend environmental conservation efforts by pointing out how they will benefit people, transfig2022-08-04T13:12:37-05:00April 28th, 2017|Categories: From the Rector|Tags: casey shobe, CO2, earth day, Earth Day Celebration, electricity, electronics recycling, From the REctor, loving creationc, reation, recycle, stewards, stewards of earth| Read More