December 17 – Casey Shobe Sermon Third Sunday of Advent: Year B transfig2022-08-04T13:10:06-05:00December 17th, 2017|Categories: Sermons|Tags: across the Jordan, Advent, baptize with water, believe through him, Bethany, Casey Sermons, casey shobe, Church Year, Elijah, Jerusalem, John, not the Messiah, not worthy to untie thong of his sandal, one coming after me, one whom you do not know, priests and Levites, prophet, Rector, sermon, stir up power, testify to the light, Third Sunday of Advent, Transfiguration Sermons, Year B| Read More
December 10 – Erin Jean Warde Sermon Second Sunday of Advent: Year B transfig2022-08-04T13:10:11-05:00December 10th, 2017|Categories: Sermons|Tags: Advent, ahead of you, baptism of repentance, baptize with Holy Spirit, baptize with water, baptized River Jordan, Bill Bryson, Erin Jean Warde, Erin Warde, Good News, Jesus Christ, John the Baptist, messenger, Second Sunday of Advent, sermon, Son of God, Transfiguration Sermons, voice in wilderness, Walk in the Woods, Year B| Read More