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Making Connections in “Our Time”

A Ministry for those in the Second Half of Life

Do you ever…

  • Feel afraid of getting older?
  • Get a little peeved when people ask you what things were like “in your day”?
  • Wonder what retirement will be like, or know what it is like but aren’t quite sure what to do with it?
  • Feel alone because no one quite understands what you are going through?
  • Talk to the dog/cat because there isn’t anyone else around?
  • Feel as though there is more to life, there is more for you to do, more for you to be?

If you answered yes to any of these questions you may be in the second half of life!

Second Half is Transfiguration’s ministry with those of us who are in, or are approaching, the second half of life. There are no exact dates or ages that define this time – we each get to define it for ourselves. Second Halfers are those who want to make connections and affirm that now is our time and we have a lot of living to do, a lot of ways we can serve, a lot of growing in discipleship and love of God and a lot of ways that God is calling us to be God’s hands and feet in this world.

The Second Half Ministry has been taking shape for several years and launched into a new phase of sharing and caring in 2018.  Rev. Nancy M. DeStefano came on staff in May of that year to give special attention to this part of our congregation and to help build a community of support and caring that can deal with all aspects of what we experience as we grow older.

Second Half meets for Sunday School throughout the year.  Topics and studies change regularly, please consult the announcements for our latest offering.  All are welcome to join us at any time.

Second Halfers are active all year long.  We offer opportunities for spiritual growth, fellowship and service to all as we seek to find new ways to embrace this time in our lives and to reach out to one another, to be sages for younger generations, and to seek out those beyond our congregation who will benefit from knowing of God’s love for them as they face the challenges that aging can bring.



We’d love to hear from you. You can call or email The Rev. Nancy DeStefano, Pastoral Assistant and Minister to Older Adults at 972-233-1898 x227 or

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