Contact > Join the Church
Often, a visitor will ask us how he or she can become a member of The Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration. The procedure is simple. Contact Gabby Guion or call 972-233-1898 ext. 240 and provide the information she will need for your membership.
If you have been baptized in any other Christian denomination we can recognize you as a baptized member. Let us know the denomination and date of your baptism. In this case, The Book of Common Prayer (BCP) makes clear that the normal expectation is confirmed membership. (BCP page 412) If you have recently joined the church and have an infant or youth you would like to have baptized, contact Gabby Guion.
If you wish to become a confirmed Episcopalian, or to be received into the Episcopal Church from the Roman Catholic, Lutheran or Orthodox Church, contact The Rev. Ted Clarkson to enroll you in The Way, our Catechumenate Program for adult confirmation. This series of classes is a survey of the faith and worship of Anglicanism. These classes are fun, informative, and a great way to meet new and interesting people.
If you choose to be confirmed there are some added benefits. You will be able to vote in our annual parish elections, run for a position on the vestry, or serve as a convention delegate. Please know that if this is not a convenient time for you to take the classes, or if you feel that you are not ready for this leap of faith, you can still be on the rolls as a baptized member.
While the church ministers to anyone in crises, only active members of the parish and their immediate families are eligible for infant baptism and weddings. Active members are regular in worship and prayer, and faithful in giving and working for the building up of the kingdom. Everyone, regardless of membership status is encouraged to get involved. Contact Gabby Guion about an infant baptism, weddings, or general involvement opportunities.