From The Vestry Room August 2017
Vestry work has continued during the summer, but just like everywhere else, at a more languid pace given vacations all around. Our three committees are ramping up for a productive fall. The Stewardship committee is in full swing for stewardship month, which will occur earlier in the fall and be not quite so long a campaign.
The Nominating committee has a diverse group of members (hooray!) and will be hard at work soliciting self nominations for the next Vestry class. Under the wonderful guidance of Nancy Jagmin we are deep into the process of creating a path to leadership- which is one of the Vestry strategic goals for this year. In the winter we will see how Vestry selection went and, as with all process driven changes, make modifications to improve or alter the process for the next year.
The next change , which is right around the corner, involves new key cards. We have had several incidents of theft of property and currently do not have a good handle on who has access to the main church, Niles and Youth buildings. The weekend of August 26, we will be changing locks in all these buildings. If a parishioner wants key access, but it is during hours of having a sexton on campus, then key access would not be approved. Also, to be in compliance with our property insurance requirements, everyone who has a key card will need to be current on their Safe Church training. We are offering in person training on Saturday Aug 26 at 9 a.m., or training can be completed online. Please contact Meghan Mazur at if you plan to attend, so we can prepare accordingly. If you would like to complete the training online instead, please also contact Meghan to get set up with a user ID and password. If you took the training more than two and a half years ago, you will need to take a refresher module.
Finally I would like to highlight a wonderful offering that Cindy Hauser put together for the Impact Kids on May 14. She invited various church ministries to come and present to the kids what they do and extend an invitation to the youth to join in these ministries. This is a fabulous example of creating intergenerational opportunities for fellowship , modeling discipleship and letting our youth know they are the Church also- not just young people waiting to grow up and become the Church.
As always, you are welcome and invited to attend a Vestry meeting to hear what is happening. We meet this Tuesday evening at 7:00 p.m. in the Vestry Room.
Liz Kerner
Senior Warden