Youth at FoodbankWith every fall comes the highly anticipated football season. It is a time of excitement and energy, as well as family and team spirit. Just as fans all over the country prepare their half time snacks and DVRs, the youth of Transfiguration is prepping for a year-long celebration of our own. A celebration of service! This year, the youth is very excited to announce Outreach Season!

Outreach is core to the spirit of the youth group. As teenagers there is a good deal that we still do not have control over in our lives. It is easy to begin feeling incompetent, but through outreach we are empowered. Outreach is important to the youth because it allows us to see our ability to make a difference in the lives of others. Through outreach we find fulfillment and joy. Service allows us to connect with new people in the community, and through this we are drawn closer to each other and closer to God. There is also an element of fun in everything the youth does. This is very important. This spirit of fun allows us to serve with happy hearts and a bright prospective. There is a certain joy that is unique to our group, and we are eager to share it with others! No matter where we go, or what we are doing we celebrate being together. We laugh, we serve, and we grow as a group and as individuals.

For these reasons we aim to make outreach a priority in the coming school year, and we hope to get the whole parish involved in our mission! We see outreach as an opportunity to not only serve the surrounding community in need, but also as an opportunity to connect with the church at large. What better way is there to bridge the generational gap than to fulfill Transfiguration’s mission to “serve Christ in all persons” together?

Outreach is a crucial part of this parish’s mission and we want to reflect the same spirit of service in the youth group. Outreach Season sets the goal to be more active in community service and also to be more active with the whole church. We are enthusiastic to be planning numerous outreach projects throughout the coming year for members of Transfiguration in every age group! We want to encourage all of the church to join us in these activities as they will allow us to grow closer to one another and increase a sense of community between the youth and the rest of the church. It is important to our group to plan these opportunities because we value the community that exists within Transfiguration and we want to be a bigger part of that community and contribute to it wholeheartedly. We want to take on more leadership within the church and connect with all members of the parish.

Transfiguration youth truly has a passion to give back to the community. We know the rest of Transfiguration does too. This is our church home and church family, we hope that through Outreach Season we can share our excitement, and our love of service and fun with all members of the church; that together we can more completely serve Christ, the community, and each other!

article by Madeline Grimes