CP_200“Countering Pharaoh’s Production-Consumption Society Today” confronts participants with the comparison of the enslavement of the Hebrew people in Egypt to the enslavement of Americans struggling with the unending demands of the consumer society that defines us. A tour-de-force with preacher-professor-prophet Walter Brueggemann, “Countering Pharaoh” brings insights to the story of the Exodus that transforms its well-worn story elements into a demanding call on the lives of 21st century people of faith. Facilitated by Michael Merriman.

“It is a journey from slavery to covenant that we keep making over and over again…

[because] Pharaoh has immense power always to draw us back into slavery.”
– Walter Brueggemann

Lenten Wednesday Schedule, beginning March 12:
6:00 p.m. – Holy Eucharist
6:30 p.m. – Soup and Salad in Roper Hall
7:15 p.m. – Program
8:15 p.m. – Compline
8:30 p.m. – Depart

Walter Brueggemann is an Old Testament scholar and retired professor from Columbia Theological Seminary. Also a United Church of Christ minister, Brueggemann has authored hundreds of articles, several biblical commentaries and more than 50 books, including The Prophetic Imagination, Genesis: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching, Finally Comes the Poet, and Theology of the Old Testament.