Care >Crisis Hotlines
Suicide and Crisis Center of North Texas: Crisis can strike any time, day or night. When feelings of hopelessness, isolation, shame, and anxiety drive people to think that suicide is their only option, they can’t wait for help. They need to talk to someone…now. If you are in crisis or contemplating suicide, call (214) 828-1000 any time, day or night. Trained, caring volunteers are ready to listen.
Rape Crisis Center: Dallas Area Rape Crisis Center (DARCC) provides survivors and their loved ones the resources they need to reclaim their lives. Our staff and trained advocates are available to help those impacted by sexual violence navigate the journey of healing in a safe and confidential environment. Sexual violence doesn’t discriminate. They serve all individuals who have been impacted by sexual violence with respect and compassion. This includes women, men, the LGBTQ+ community, immigrants, refugees, and all other survivors of sexual violence. Call their 24-hour hotline at (972) 641-7273.
Genesis Women’s Shelter: Being a victim of domestic violence does not have to define who you are. You are more valuable than your situation, and you deserve better. Genesis Women’s Shelter is here to support you and guide you through this situation so you can get back to living the life you and your family deserve. Whether you need short-term housing, a safe escape plan, or counseling, they will walk beside you and guide you to a safe, happy life – at not cost to you and no strings attached. Call their 24/7 hotline to find a safe way out: 214-946-HELP (4357).
Sexual Assault Awareness and Recovery Guide for Students: If you need to talk to someone now, the National Sexual Assault Telephone Helpline is 800-656-HOPE (4673) or you can text HELLO to 741741 to reach the Crisis Text Line. Every 98 seconds another person is sexually assaulted, but according to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, only 28 percent of those who are will report it to the police. Of those cases, only 6 in every 1,000 perpetrators actually spends time in prison. This is why it’s so important to understand what sexual assault looks like. This guide helps raise awareness and educate students, parents and educators on how to change the culture surrounding sexual assault, in order prevent further violence and to better support survivors as they heal and recover. Adopting a zero-tolerance attitude towards violence starts with everyone.