Lent TreeRecently, I attended an annual conference for Episcopal Christian formation leaders (FORMA). It is a gift to attend these conferences, not so much because of the workshops, though some are very insightful, but because of the connections I renew and begin with other folks doing similar work in the Episcopal church. Our time together reminds us that we are part of a network which holds us in tension. We are called to challenge, create and educate each other. It’s humbling and inspiring.

It causes me to wonder if I am doing the same in my ministry to your family here at Transfiguration. Are you feeling the tension of our relationship? If so, are you compelled to share your faith with your children? How do you creatively bring the extraordinary light of Christ into your everyday, ordinary routines? Have you felt empowered to educate “beyond the classroom doors” or, in this case, beyond the Nave doors?

I walked away from the FORMA conference with a plethora of resources. I have been looking at them this last week, wondering how I would share them with you. Empower you. The candlemas learning station was one such opportunity. Hopefully your family carried home a candle or two and the accompanying liturgy, then took the time to put your knees under the same table and prayed the liturgy together.

The Lenten season is another opportunity for each of us to bring our faith forward to our children. It is easy to name the need, but more difficult to act upon it. Let me suggest some ways to get started. Intentional, thoughtful conversations and actions concerning our relationship with the Holy One require each of us to be in a network held in tension. Do some soul searching, consider what would bring your family closer to God this Lent and Easter season. Talk with your partner and/or peers and cull ideas for spiritual disciplines from them. Check out the following websites for ideas that may resonate with your specific hopes for a holy season:


Stop by our church bookstore, where there are lots of resources available for families. And visit the Children’s Ministry table in the Gathering Space to pick up your family “take home” activity. This Easter Tree project will be available beginning Sunday, March 2.

There is no silver bullet which delivers perfect Christian formation to all, though I looked for it at the FORMA conference. I did find was a lot of grace and abounding support from fellow travelers. The same is true for families, here at the Fig, raising children of faith. You are called to challenge, create and educate. You are gifted with a network of folks doing the same.

by Gaye Lynn Huddleston, Director of Children’s Ministry