I have been a member of the Fig for nearly 11 years so I am a relative newcomer. My roles, responsibilities and activities have evolved during this time. The first ministry I joined was the choir. Beautiful music narrows the gap between me and God. It never ceases to amaze how often the music stays with me during the week. The melody and words replay in my head.

The other ministries I belong to also aid me in being mindful of Gods presence. Knitting prayer shawls puts me in a comtempletive and peaceful mood (while watching TV). Taking blood pressures connects me with the congregation. Daughters of the King develops my spirituality through study. Children give me an alternate understanding of the days lesson.

Unfortunately none of these ministries are free. All require physical space as well as clergy and church staff time. Maintaining the building, paying for utilities, office and cleaning supplies are hidden costs of church functions. Even if a minstry does not have a line item in the budget, money is needed for support. Pledging allows my spiritual life to grow through these ministries.