Being A Christian Community – October 2, 9, 16

The second module of fall adult formation classes begins Sunday, October 2. There are three options to choose from:

Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Father Casey Shobe | Vestry Room

In the mid-1930s, German-Lutheran Pastor and leader of the Christian resistance to Nazism, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, created a small seminary at Finkenwalde. Bonhoeffer shared the wisdom gleaned from this community in a short book titled Life Together. This book has become the cornerstone of the modern “new-monastic” movement, and was one of the central texts of Fr. Casey’s doctoral project. In this class, we’ll reflect on Bonhoeffer’s witness and wisdom to grow closer to God today.

Spiritual Practices for the Family

Mother Erin Jean Warde | Parlor

In this class we will think about the family as a Christian community—however a family might take form. The Episcopal tradition offers many practices that can guide us in our growth as a spiritual community. Join us to explore spiritual practices for families as a way to give order and peace to both children and adults when the world around us might feel disordered and full of unrest.

Old Testament 101

Dr. Roy Heller  | Roper Hall

Join the Associate Professor of Old Testament at SMU, as he continues to journey through the Hebrew Bible. This is an opportunity to read the stories of the Old Testament with each other, focusing on their literary beauty, their rich meanings, and the ways in which they are relevant for our own lives. This fall we are exploring the stories of Exodus. Please note, this class will continue through December 18.