A new six-week Sunday morning class series begins April 3 and continues through May 8. All classes start at 10:15 in the designated room below.

Hebrew Bible | Dr. Roy Heller – Roper Hall

Join Dr. Roy Heller, Associate Professor of Old Testament at SMU, as he continues to journey through the Hebrew Bible.  This is an opportunity to learn about the history of the Old Testament, as well as many of the aspects of Jewish life and culture that are not obvious to modern readers.

To Hell and Back with the Rector’s Wife | The Rev. Melody Shobe – Conf. Room 1

What does the Bible really say (or not say) about hell? How do we understand judgement in light of Christ’s resurrection at Easter? Where do our images of heaven come from? Join us in a six week series as we travel to hell and back with the rector’s wife, The Rev. Melody Shobe, exploring the themes of judgement, hell, heaven, and salvation in both Scripture and popular culture. In this class we will take a lighthearted look at a serious subject, and hopefully learn something about our faith and God’s grace in the process.

Redemption & Resurrection in the Modern World | Father Casey & Mother Erin – Vestry Room

In the spirit of the Easter season, this class will look at images of resurrection from literature, film, and television.  These images will serve as a starting point to talk about how the power of the resurrection shows up in the many different areas of our lives.

The Way | Father Michael – Parlor

The Way is Transfiguration’s formation process for adults who are new to the Episcopal Church or to this parish, and are interested in being confirmed, received, or baptized. Contact Fr. Michael Merriman at mmerriman@transfiguration.net if you are interested in participating.