Formation classes for all ages resume on Sunday, January 29 after the Annual meeting this week. Adults are in the midst of a seven-week series of classes for Epiphanytide (through February 19) with three options:

A More Christlike God with the Rev. Michael Merriman and Elaine Culver | Conference Room 2

What is God like? Toxic images abound. God the punishing judge, the deadbeat dad, the genie in the bottle—false gods that need to be challenged. But what if God truly is completely Christlike? What if His love is more generous, his Cross more powerful, and his gospel more beautiful than we’ve dared to imagine? What if our clearest image of God is the self-giving, radically forgiving, co-suffering Love revealed on the Cross? What if we had a more Christlike God? Join Michael Merriman as we study A More Christlike God: A More Beautiful Gospel by Bradley Jersak with discussion on the content during the class as a way to prepare for reflection during Lent on the meaning of Christ. Books are available in the bookstore, and the first two chapters will be discussed in the first session.

Our Selves, Our Souls and Bodies (Parenting Track) with the Rev. R. Casey Shobe  | Vestry Room

Join Father Casey in a discussion-based class about gender, sexual identity, and how we can become more comfortable and confident in the ways we talk about these issues within our families. Classes will feature conversation about what the Bible says (and doesn’t say), how to begin speaking with young kids about these ideas, how to speak with adolescents who are wrestling with questions about their own identity, and how to talk to our neighbors who may disagree with our tradition of radical inclusion. All are welcome as we explore these important questions and ideas.

Old Testament 101 with Dr. Roy Heller | Roper Hall

Join Dr. Roy Heller, Associate Professor of Old Testament at SMU, as he continues to journey through the Hebrew Bible.  This is an opportunity to read the stories of the Old Testament with each other, focusing on their literary beauty, their rich meanings, and the ways in which they are relevant for our own lives. This spring we are continuing our exploration of Exodus, and will also begin to look at Leviticus.