Special Announcement: all Adult Christian Formation classes will be on hiatus for the remaining Fall 2014 semester in order to come together as a parish family and join in a special Sunday morning class offered by Father Casey. Everyone is invited to attend this class (and please wear your name tags), so you can get to know Father Casey, as well as allowing him the opportunity to get to know each of you in a more casual setting. Father Casey will teach a study of the saints entitled “Folk Like Me”, each Sunday morning from 10:10-11:00 a.m. in Roper Hall, beginning on All Saints’ Sunday, Nov. 2, and continuing through the fourth Sunday of Advent, Dec. 21. The study will address: Who are the saints and what is saintliness? The first class will be an overview of Episcopal understandings of sainthood, with each of the next sessions focusing on a particular saint in history, the time in which they lived, and how their faithfulness can inspire and inform us today. If you have any questions or need a new name tag, please contact Ellen Dingwall.